Monday, August 18, 2008

Tyler's first day of 2nd grade

Why is it that mom's are more nervous for their kids to start school than the kids are?


theogdenupdate said...

Your family is so cute!! I love that Tyler looks like Colby and the other two look like you. We are coming out to Utah next summer so I'll definitly call you before we come so we can get together. I'm so glad I found your blog address!! You'd sent it in your christmas card but I forgot about it. I'm so glad to know how you are doing since I'm so bad at keeping in touch. Take Care!!

theogdenupdate said...

Your family is so cute!! I love that Tyler looks like Colby and the other two look like you. We are coming out to Utah next summer so I'll definitly call you before we come so we can get together. I'm so glad I found your blog address!! You'd sent it in your christmas card but I forgot about it. I'm so glad to know how you are doing since I'm so bad at keeping in touch. Take Care!!

theogdenupdate said...

Your family is so cute!! I love that Tyler looks like Colby and the other two look like you. We are coming out to Utah next summer so I'll definitly call you before we come so we can get together. I'm so glad I found your blog address!! You'd sent it in your christmas card but I forgot about it. I'm so glad to know how you are doing since I'm so bad at keeping in touch. Take Care!!

Cozumel, Mexico

Cozumel, Mexico
The first night in Cozumel, we met Mike and Amanda Parker from Las Vegas. Mike and Colby went to school together, but had not seen each other in 8 years. We had a great time with them and Mike was a great Spanish translator! We know they will be lifelong friends!